Things I’ve been called because of my political beliefs –
not just for voting YES, but for being anti-right wing policies: Idiot, nutter,
stupid cow, Nazi (yes, seriously), racist (I know, I know), separatist, clown,
foolish woman, pain in the arse, selfish, deluded, ignorant, incapable of
rational thought.
Things I’ve called people whose politics differ from mine: If I know them well, I tend to stick to their first name, otherwise I use Mr/Mrs/Ms as appropriate and their second name.
Things I’ve called people whose politics differ from mine: If I know them well, I tend to stick to their first name, otherwise I use Mr/Mrs/Ms as appropriate and their second name.
Insults I’ve received from people because of my political
views: Fuck off; fuck off and die; go and salsa up your own arse (that’s my
favourite); you clearly lack any sort of intelligence; all of my intelligent friends
are voting NO (from a friend – good way of letting me know her opinion of my
intellect); I hope you starve – you’ll deserve it; whingeing, moaning
subsidy junkie.
Insults I’ve hurled at these people or others who share
their political views: None.
Lucky I'm not one of those poor souls being targeted by a concerted campaign of intimidation and bullying and abuse, eh?
When someone resorts to abuse, I know I've won my argument. The same as when someone asks me a question and I answer it with something they don't want to hear, so they just ignore my answer and ask a question on another topic. They couldn't sustain their argument, so they move onto another, hoping to catch me out.
It's all a bit sad, but it's individuals - it's not a campaign by anyone. There will always be people who can't cope and resort to these tactics. Just smile and move on.
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