Next year, instead of doing the dryathlon, I’ve decided to
get myself sponsored to spend a weekend locked in a remote cottage with Katie
Hopkins, Nigel Farage, Piers Morgan and the ghost of Jimmy Saville. There’ll be
a television, but it will only show grand prix, reality TV, party political
broadcasts by UKIP and the Tories, and soaps. There will be no books. A radio
will play Rebecca Black on a continuous loop. I’m fairly sure it’ll be easier
than this.
Nah, it’s actually getting a lot better. With just a week to
go, I know I’ll do it now. I think it’s because the viruses/infections are
finally showing signs of leaving me alone, so I’m able to get back to zumba and
yoga and generally feel less miserable.
I had my first proper test last week when I went to a pub
quiz and left as sober as I arrived. That has never happened before. Still had
a good night, still had a laugh with friends, still won the quiz, so alcohol is
not necessary, just pleasant. It’s good to know that.
January is a tough month to do something like this. There’s
the after-festive-season dip in mood, the weather, the seemingly endless dark,
dreich days. Money is tight because of over-spending at Christmas, spring and
summer feel a very long way away. I think February would be better – mainly because
it’s a shorter month, obviously.
I have to say, though, if I had just decided to try this for
no reason, no cause, I know I would have failed. It would have been too easy on
one of those miserable days to just say, ‘Sod it – I’ll try again another
month.' Knowing that people had donated, knowing that it was for such a good
cause, knowing that I wouldn’t just be failing myself is what has kept me
A huge thank you, once again, to those of you who have
sponsored me. I set my target at £100, I’ve already raise £170. Fantastic and genuinely
does make it more than worthwhile.
If you’d like to add to that total, here’s the link: